Campbell Jones

Campbell works on projects from early concept through to documentation and construction observation.


Why did you choose Architecture as a career?

I don’t quite recall how architecture ended up being my career – It’s a total blur. However, I used to draw a lot when I was a kid, and I used to design all sorts of things. I had a few family members who persuaded me to study architecture. So, I think I took my lead from that, I wanted to pursue something that meant I could design and draw, and always be in ‘my happy place.’

Where in the world has architecture taken you?

I’ve been to a few places, but I was very quick in deciding to live in another city to study architecture.

If you weren’t in architecture, what would you be doing?

I was obsessed (and probably still am obsessed) with aircraft, vehicles, transportation, and pretty much anything that moves (fast!). So, I would have been a pilot.

What is your proudest moment?

I think being able to sign off the first fully built project I was involved in, was a very proud moment.

Dinner with one person, past or present, who would it be and why?

It would probably would be my Pop. Unfortunately he didn’t live to see me get into architecture, and he was one of the driving forces who persuaded me to take this path. It would be awesome to ‘fill him on’ on where architecture has taken me.

Published on Friday, April 20th, 2018, under


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