Kyla Davies

As an Interior Designer with South Architects, Kyla has a key role in most projects. She works closely with clients and designers throughout their interior design and finishes selection process.


Why did you choose Architecture/Interiors as a career?

It was a natural progression…  I had been in the fashion industry and during my own home renovation I discovered that Interiors combined design and technology in a lasting and impactful way.

Where in the world has architecture taken you?

The most memorable trip was to Milan for design week!  Incredible design, great people.

If you weren’t in architecture, what would you be doing?

In a studio making strange things you never knew you needed.

What is your proudest moment?

My daughter using her phone app to measure her flat’s bedroom for furniture.

Dinner with one person, past or present, who would it be and why?  

David Bowie – no explanation necessary!

Published on Friday, April 20th, 2018, under


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